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  • 3 Things Every Christian Should Do Now…

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    January 08, 2021
    There are followers of Jesus in every corner of the globe. There is great diversity in not only our skin color, language, and customs; but also in our ideas of how to make things better.
    You might be surprised to learn there are Christians that believe lower taxes make it easier for humans to flourish and there are others that believe higher taxes will make it possible for us to better serve the least of these. You may not know that some people who claim Jesus as Lord believe the Government should take the lead in things like Health Care while others believe individuals are best served as they are organized closer to home. Some believe that during a pandemic the most un-selfish thing you can do is to deny yourself the joy of ‘going’ and stay home. Others are convinced that in-person community is so key and the ability for humans to work, play, and make things is so crucial to our God-given mission on planet earth, that we must find a way to do it responsibly. The list could go on and on.
    However, there are some things we should ALL agree on and agree to, especially right now, when the stakes are so high.
    I am convinced we are at the point we are today because large parts of the American Christian culture have minimized the following ethics.
    Be Quick to Listen and Slow to Speak – James, the brother of Jesus, wrote these wise words which were hallmarks of Christians for centuries. Sadly, it’s not what we are known for today. But that can change, and the only way it can change is if individual Christians will decide to be true to our founding ethics instead of the demands of outrage culture which has become for many the replacement for pastors, counselors, and even community identity.
    Question: Do you really understand where good people ‘on the other side’ are coming from? If so, can you ask them, “So this is what you are saying….” and keep refining your understanding of where they are coming from until they say, “Yes, that is what I feel and believe.”?
    Or if you can’t have that conversation, can you at least ask yourself, “why would a good person disagree with me on this?”
    Be Angry and Do Not Sin –Anger can be justified. Anger can be righteous. However, for the follower of Jesus, even the God given response to injustice is brought under the Kingship of Jesus. Just because you are justifiably angry, does not give you the right to do the wrong thing or even the un-wise thing. Many followers of Jesus are tarnishing his name by their actions in person and in the digital space. If you don’t like this idea (and all of us from time to time don’t), take it up with Paul, the author of Ephesians who died for the Jesus movement.
    Question: Ask yourself… Am I doing/posting/sharing this because it will make things better or because it will make me feel better?
    Love Your Enemy – Would you be willing to sacrifice for the well-being of someone you view as an enemy? This command given by Jesus means we must. It’s much easier and (for the short term) more fun to want to hurt them (physically, emotionally, financially, politically); but we cannot. We are commanded to Love our enemies. Period.
    Question: Who do you dislike the most on the ‘other side’? Can you say out loud or write down that you are making a commitment to want the best for them?
    Christians, these are non-negotiables. Neglecting these  has gotten us to this point and as bad as it is, it can get much worse unless something changes. That thing that needs to change is us… now.

    Changed People Can.
    Jimmy Beck
    onechurchhartsville@gmail.com, (843) 307-3483