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    October 01, 2021

    Welcome to our e-newsletter, "The Laurel Branch."

    10 Fun Facts about the Northern Mockingbird- From Audubon
    The Northern Mockingbird is one of North America’s most beloved mimics. The skilled singer has also become inextricable from American popular culture, providing inspiration for the fictional "
    Mockingjay" of the Hunger Games franchise to being a central theme in the iconic novel To Kill a Mockingbird. John James Audubon was a fan of the mocker as well. Here are some facts you might not have known about this American classic.
       1- There are a total of 16 avian species in the world with the name “mockingbird,” but the Northern Mockingbird is the only one native to the United States. Other nearby species include the elusive Blue Mockingbird of Mexico and the island-dwelling Bahama Mockingbird, both of which can occasionally appear in the U.S.
          2-The Northern Mockingbird is a year-round resident across much of the U.S., but an expansion into the northeast has been successful due in part to the multiflora rose, or rambler rose. Native to Asia, this invasive rosebush was introduced to the United States in the late 1700s as a rootstock for ornamental roses. It makes an ideal nest site for mockingbirds because of its tasty berries and thick tangle of branches. (Editor's note: If you want to provide food and shelter for the Northern Mockingbird and other backyard favorites with native plants, try our handy native plants database.)
         3-The mockingbird's latin name is Mimus polyglottos, which literally translates to “many-tongued mimic.” A polyglot is a person who speaks many languages, referencing the bird’s ability to imitate sounds from its environment. While mockingbirds are known to sing several hundred different songs, some research suggests that they might not learn to copy new sounds in adulthood, as previously thought.
          4- A study released in October 2019 found that, in addition to mimicking the calls of other birds and manmade noises like music and machinery, Northern Mockingbirds have been known to imitate at least 12 different species of North American frogs and toads. In fact, John James Audubon was so in awe of this bird's singing ability, he wrote of the Northern Mockingbird in Birds of America,“There is probably no bird in the world that possesses all the musical qualifications of this king of song, who has derived all from Nature's self."
         5-Because of the Northern Mockingbird’s impressive vocal talents, the illegal pet trade depleted their populations by poaching wild birds across the east coast in the 19th century. The best singers were worth up to $50 in 1828—that’s more than $1,300 in today’s dollars.
          6-Northern Mockingbirds have easily adapted to human development, taking up residence across suburban towns and cities. Wide-open lawns and parks are perfect for hunting their insect prey, and males often sing from perches like the tops of houses and telephone poles, where their performance can involve 1- and fluttering back down. 
         7-Mockers are prolific breeders. They have been known to make as many as seven nesting attempts during a breeding season, and one female even set an astonishing record of laying 27 eggs in a single season.
         8-The white patches on a Northern Mockingbird’s wings and outer tail feathers serve dual purposes: The birds often show off these plumes during mating rituals, and they also flash them when defending their territory from potential predators like hawks and snakes.
        9-Mockingbirds can be extraordinarily territorial. They've been known to swoop and dive at pretty much anything, including people, that gets close to their nests, which are usually placed between 3 and 10 feet off the ground. They will also regularly chase other birds away from their preferred food sources, like fruit-bearing trees, in the winter.
         10-The Northern Mockingbird is the state bird of Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. In true Texas fashion, the 1927 legislation declaring the Northern Mockingbird the state’s official bird reasoned that the species is “a fighter for the protection of his home, falling, if need be, in its defense, like any true Texan."
    This article was copied from the Audubon site.
    Native Species or Cultivars of Native Plants–Does it Matter? - By Susan Martin / Piedmont Master Gardeners / July 2020-Vol.6 No.7 (link to original article HERE)
    There is a lot of excitement about planting native plants, and the reasons for choosing them are well-researched. However, when home gardeners look for native plants in nurseries, they often find cultivars of natives rather than straight species. Straight species native plants have grown in a particular area or ecoregion for hundreds or even thousands of years, are open-pollinated, and grow true to seed. Many plants marketed as “natives” in garden centers have never grown naturally in the wild. The word cultivar means a cultivated variety; thus, a cultivar is selected and cultivated by humans. Although some cultivars can occur in nature as plant mutations, most cultivars are developed by plant breeders and are called hybrids. The plant label will give the species and genera, followed by another descriptive name in single quotes. This last name indicates that the plant is a cultivar. Examples are Echinacia purpurea ‘Pink Double Delight’, and Cercis canandensis ‘Appalachian Red’. The first is a purple coneflower with double blooms; the second is an eastern redbud tree with bright pink flowers.
    Cultivars are developed for attractive characteristics such as striking flower colors; shorter, bushier forms; colored or variegated leaves; winter hardiness; and improved disease resistance. These qualities make them easier to incorporate into a home garden design, particularly when space is limited. There have been many field trials on native cultivars that assess these “improvements” relative to the straight species and to different cultivars. Gardeners can look up the findings on specific plants to see which cultivars have performed best. This article, however, focuses on a different aspect: “Do native cultivars provide the same benefits to our home garden ecosystems as straight species native plants?”
    To answer this question, we’ll focus on current research. At this point, there are two main areas of study. The first looks at woody plants, and the effects of cultivar characteristics on leaf-eating insects, caterpillars in particular. The second area focuses on herbaceous plants, and the effects of cultivar characteristics on pollinators.
    Readers who would like to refresh their familiarity with terms such as straight species, open pollination, variety, cultivar, and hybrid, can refer to a past article from The Garden Shed on
     plant nomenclature.
    Many of us are familiar with Douglas W. Tallamy, noted entomologist from the University of Delaware and author of Bringing Nature Home (2007) and Nature’s Best Hope (2019). Although his research has been ongoing for many years, he more recently has been conducting research trials  at the Mt. Cuba Center with doctoral student Emily Baisden. The studies focus on whether cultivars of native woody plants are as productive as straight species, productive in the sense of supporting native insects, caterpillars in particular. Gardening for wildlife, such as butterflies, birds, and bees, requires plants that can support juvenile stages of insects, not just the nectar-sipping adults.
    The field study included 16 species of woody plants, both trees and shrubs, with cultivars of each species, for a total of 160 plants. The species were planted in the middle of a ring surrounded by the cultivars matched to each species. Tallamy chose cultivars that varied from their straight species counterparts in one of four ways:
    • plant habit
    • disease-resistance
    • leaf color variation
    • increased berry size
    His team studied three insect behaviors: how lepidoptera caterpillars react to the changed characteristics found in cultivars; how and whether hatching bagworms recognize plant differences; and the overall insect impact on the plant during a season. Researching insect response takes years to reach conclusions. To appreciate the challenges of setting up a trial study and collecting data, as well as a listing of plants in the study, and a discussion of study results, see this video of Kim Eierman of EcoBeneficial interviewing Tallamy. Or, read a transcript of Eierman interviewing Tallamy.
    Do his study results vote yay or nay on using cultivars? The only trait out of the four that consistently deterred insect eating was changing green leaves to red or purple or blue.
    As Tallamy explains, “Red leaves remove chlorophyll from the leaf and load it with anthocyanins, which just happen to be feeding deterrents.”
    Regarding the other cultivar traits, slight variegation did not affect insect feeding; however, as the percentage of variegation increased, the leaves became less attractive.  Changing plant habit, such as making a shrub more compact, had no effect on insect feeding. On the other hand, the larger-berried highbush blueberry cultivars supported more insect species than their straight species counterparts.
    As Tallamy has noted, “What we’re looking at is different types of genetic changes, and then we can extrapolate because there’s no way we’re going to look at all tens of thousands of cultivars. Fortunately, there are only a few types of genetic changes that create a cultivar. We are looking for patterns that emerge from these few changes.”
    Cultivar research offers opportunities for important work on plant diseases. Preliminary results of Tallamy’s study of American elm (Ulmus americana) indicate that the ‘Princeton’ cultivar, which is resistant to Dutch elm disease, is no less attractive to insects. A very good sign, according to Tallamy who holds great hope for the introduction of “back-crossed” American chestnuts (Castanea dentata) that were almost eradicated in the last century by chestnut blight.
    The next area of research to cover is the comparison of native plants vs. cultivars of natives with regards to pollinators. Several studies have conducted comparative field trials, the first undertaken by Dr. Annie White of the University of Vermont (2016) in replicated research gardens at two sites in northern Vermont (see photo of Maidstone Plant Farm at top of article).  The field trial included 500 plants, 14 native species with native cultivar pairings. For a description of the study, a listing of species and their pairings, and study results for particular plants, see White’s blog (3/01/16),
     From Nursery to Nature:  Are native cultivars as valuable to pollinators as native species? You may also wish to see a video of Kim Eierman’s interview with White on her study and results.
    What her studies have revealed is that the more manipulated the cultivars became, the less attractive they became to pollinators. Therefore, if considering native cultivars for use in a pollinator garden, open pollinated seed-grown “selections” or “sports” (naturally occurring mutations) are the best choices. Cultivars that differ significantly in color and morphology from the native species should be used cautiously. (Morphology is a study of the form of things. In plants, it includes the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits.) White hypothesized that color differences and decreased nectar and pollen production in hybridized cultivars are the leading factors. However, she also cautioned that cultivars should be evaluated individually. White found that about half of the cultivars in her study were comparable to the native species, and about half were inferior. It’s important to note that although the cultivars in the study were sometimes less attractive to pollinators than the native species, the cultivars were still visited by pollinators. This suggests that cultivars provide valuable floral resources in the landscape. For example, all pollinators combined exhibited a significant preference for Agastache foeniculum over the cultivar Agastache ‘Golden Jubilee’. However, ‘Golden Jubilee’ had a higher mean pollinator visitation rate than all but two other native species in the study. There were also cases when the native cultivar was equally attractive, such as Aesclepias tuberosa and the cultivar Aesclepias tubersosa ‘Hello Yellow’, a naturally occurring mutation in the natural population. One native cultivar selection, Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Lavendelturm’ (Lavender Towers) attracted significantly more total pollinators than the native species and had a longer bloom time.
    Tallamy’s research showed that making a woody plant more compact did not change its attractiveness to leaf-feeding insects. But White found that compact form for herbaceous plants does seem to have an influence on pollinator attraction, because compactness often equates with fewer flowers per plant and fewer floral resources.
    A comparison of the straight species, Echinacea purpurea and three Echinacea cultivars focused on altered traits of color, compactness, double-flowered, hybridization, and sterility.
    Results of the study showed pollinator preference for the straight species, E. purpurea, followed by E. purpurea ‘White Swan’, an open-pollinated seed cultivar of E. purpurea. The interspecific hybrid, Echinacea ‘Sunrise’, a cross between two different species of Echinacea, was less attractive to pollinators. The double-flowered cultivar, E. purpurea ‘Double Pink Surprise’, was the least attractive. The reproductive organs (stamens and carpels) in double-flowered varieties have been modified into additional petals, thus rendering the plant sterile or near sterile, and reducing the quantity and/or accessibility of floral rewards. These results are consistent with the recommendation to use open-pollinated cultivars that are true to seed. Choosing a cultivar that’s as close to the native species as possible—in morphology, bloom time, and color—is going to increase the likelihood that it’s a comparable substitution.
    White also studied patterns of nectar production in two native species of LobeliaL. cardinalis and L. syphilatica, and four native cultivars. One cultivar had nectar equivalent to the species, but the rest of the cultivars had less. One cultivar had only 20% of the nectar available from the species. This means that when pollinators are attracted to the cultivars, they may have to work harder to get energy rewards equivalent to their visits to native species. White is studying not just the quantity of nectar produced by flowers but also the quality. In this
     video, using Monarda fistulosa, she shows how she measures both the standing nectar, which is the amount of nectar at any time, and the secretion rate, which is how quickly the plant can reproduce nectar. With sugar content ranging from about 15-75%, not all flowers are equally valuable to pollinators. She will study the differences in nectar production between native species and cultivars, and she plans to measure pollen in future research as well.
    At the University of Delaware, Keith Nevison, a graduate student (2016) with Dr. Deborah Delaney, conducted field trials at Mt. Cuba. He compared insect attraction, nectar quality, and floral characteristics between U.S. Eastern Phlox species and associated cultivars. In total, 6 straight species, and 10 cultivars were evaluated for factors having the greatest influence on insect visitation. Results suggest that certain Phlox cultivars, especially those selected from the wild, are more attractive to insects than their straight species counterparts. Cultivars Phlox ‘Jeana’ and ‘Lavelle’ were far more attractive to pollinators than the straight species Phlox paniculata. This is presumed to be due to the ease with which the insects were able to get at the nectar in the narrow-shaped flowers. Both cultivars also had high nectar volume and sucrose content, making them ecologically beneficial to feeding pollinators. For the majority of Phlox cultivars, however, insect attraction and nectar quality did not differ significantly in comparison to their associated straight species. In the case of Phlox paniculata and its cultivars, the narrowness of a flower’s corolla, in particular, has a strong influence on insect attraction. Like White, Nevison cautions that native cultivars need to be considered on a case-by-case basis. In addition, more experimentation in different parts of the country over a longer time frame may yield different results.
    Also at the University of Delaware, Deborah Delaney and graduate student, Owen Cass, are looking at how well various plants attract insects by assessing floral traits such as color, nectar and pollen quantities,  and the nutritional qualities of nectar and pollen. They are comparing differences among cultivars within two genera: Coreopsis and Monarda. Plans are to use the diverse selection of flowers present at Mt. Cuba Center to develop a pollen library for commercial and hobbyist beekeepers. Study results have not yet been published.
    It is important to note that although the larger fruits produced by some cultivars, such as the highbush blueberry, may be more attractive to insects, larger berry size may be problematic for some birds. In addition, although more compact form on woody plant cultivars did not deter insect feeding, a more compact form might negatively affect bird nesting. This reminds us to consider ways in which cultivar characteristics might impact wildlife in addition to insects.
    A major consideration when using human-bred and hybridized native cultivars in the landscape is the loss of genetic variation naturally found in open-pollinated plant populations. Humans reproduce most hybrid varieties through vegetative propagation, either by tissue culture, or by cuttings and divisions, making hybrids genetic clones of each other. This sameness can make our planted landscapes more vulnerable to disease, pests, or other disruptions.
    There is also the potential for cultivars to hybridize with surrounding populations of native species. According to the
     Maryland Cooperative Extension, studies have shown that, in some cases, cross-pollination with cultivated varieties resulted in the loss of the wild species. This loss has ramifications for all the species that interact with the native plant. Or, cross-pollination with strong cultivars can make wild species stronger. Although this could benefit the plant species, increased vigor could also make the wild relatives more effective at competing with other plant species, putting the balance of the ecosystem at risk.
    Sterile cultivars of native plants can’t cross-pollinate with their wild relatives, so they pose no risk to wild plant populations. Sterility is a two-edged sword, however, because sterile cultivars may have reduced pollen and nectar production.  As White points out:
    Breeding for sterility can inhibit flowers from setting seed, hence resulting in longer bloom duration. This could be a benefit to pollinators if the flowers continue producing ample nectar and pollen, but this is often not the case. Degrees of sterility can vary among cultivars, along with quality of nectar and pollen production, making it important that floral resources for pollinators are evaluated on a plant-by-plant basis. To our knowledge, nectar and pollen production have not been studied in Echinacea cultivars, but in other species, male-sterile cultivars have significantly decreased nectar and pollen flow.
    Additionally, gardeners need to consider the impact of sterile, non-seed-producing cultivars on seed-eating bird populations.  
    In 2017, a diverse group including representatives such as ecologists, geneticists, public garden professionals, government organizations, and research/cultivar developmental entities, met to discuss the development of an analytical tool that would evaluate which native species and/or native cultivars might be appropriate to different planting objectives and to different planting sites. Sites were identified as: 1) large, undisturbed sites identified as candidates for restoration, that were in proximity to wild plant populations or, 2) small, highly disturbed sites that were isolated from wild plant populations, such as urban gardens. For the large undisturbed areas, native species were recommended as essential for restoration. For the small sites, the group proposed a lower risk/higher rewards trade-off analysis for including cultivars that met various criteria. For information on their recommendations, see this
    Four botanic gardens (Chicago Botanic Garden, Denver Botanic Gardens, North Carolina Botanic Garden, and San Diego Botanic Garden) are asking home gardeners to join a study across the country to investigate whether cultivars of native plants or “nativars” (a popular term, rather than a scientific term, often used in casual reference or in marketing) provide the same pollinator service as native species. Since spring 2018, participating public gardens have been planting popular native species with matched cultivar pairings to compare pollinator use. In addition, home gardeners are being asked to watch such comparisons in their own gardens, and to complete weekly 10 minute observations while flowers are blooming, and record the number and type of pollinators that visit. Data will be uploaded via the Budburst Data Portal. The Nativars Research Project runs through fall 2022. For information on the native plants and native cultivars recommended by geographic area, pollinator identification, guidelines on how to participate, and to register with Budburst, go to this
    At first, we were so happy to have a “simple” way to help the environment: plant native plants. But then the cultivars started multiplying, and the choices became more difficult. Were we even asking the right questions? Fortunately, there is good research, and more is coming. Studies have shown that cultivars aren’t always good, and they’re not always bad. In fact, goodness and badness can be partly defined by our gardening priorities. Researchers have concluded that cultivars of native plants should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The research is providing us with a framework for analysis: does the native cultivar exhibit characteristics similar to the species plant, or has the cultivar been altered too far from its origin? Annie White advises, “Choosing a cultivar that’s as close to the native species as possible—in morphology, bloom time, and color—is going to increase the likelihood that it’s a comparable substitution.” This means, of course, that we must begin by knowing the species’ characteristics, and how they’ve been altered in the cultivar.
    “A Gardener’s Guide to Plant Nomenclature, II,” The Garden Shed,
    “Are Native Cultivars Ecologically Beneficial? Interview with Dr. Doug Tallamy,” Kim Eierman EcoBeneficial.com, https://www.ecobeneficial.com/audio/are-native-cultivars-ecologically-beneficial-an-interview-with-dr-doug-tallamy/
    “The Nativar Conundrum: New Research on Natives vs. Native Cultivars with Dr. Doug Tallamy,” Kim Eierman, EcoBeneficial.com, https://www.ecobeneficial.com/2015/10/the-nativar-conundrum-new-research-on-natives-vs-native-cultivars-with-dr-doug-tallamy/
    Bringing Nature Home, Douglas Tallamy, Timber Press, 2007
    “From Nursery to Nature: Evaluating Native Herbaceous Flowering Plants Versus Native Cultivars for Pollinator Habitat Restoration,” Annie White, University of Vermont ScholarWorks @ UVM, Graduate College Dissertation and Theses (2016), 
    scholarworks.uvm.edu › cgi › viewcontent
    “From Nursery to Nature:  Are native cultivars as valuable to pollinators as native species?” pollinatorgardens.org., https://pollinatorgardens.org/2013/02/08/my-research/
    “Native Cultivars vs. Native Plants & Their Attractiveness to Pollinators,” Kim Eierman, EcoBeneficial.org, https://www.ecobeneficial.com/2014/04/native-cultivars-vs-native-plants
    “Native Cultivars vs. Native Plants with Annie White,” Kim Eierman, EoBeneficial.org, https://www.ecobeneficial.com/videos/native-cultivars-vs-native-plants-annie-white/
    “Nectar Collection and Analysis,” Kim Eierman, EcoBeneficial.com, https://www.ecobeneficial.com/videos/nectar-collection-analysis/
    “Cultivars of Native Plants,” University of Maryland Cooperative Extension, https://extension.umd.edu/hgic/topics/cultivars-native-plants
    “Nativars Research Program,” Chicago Botanic Garden, Budburst Project, https://budburst.org/projects/nativars
    “Considering a Role for Native Plant Cultivars in Ecological Landscaping: an Experiment Evaluating Insect Preferences and Nectar Forage Values of Phlox Species vs. its Cultivars,” Masters Thesis, Keith A. Nevison (2016), University of Delaware, http://udspace.udel.edu/handle/19716/21442
    “The Role of Native Cultivars in the Ecological Landscape: Evaluating Insect Preferences and Nectar Quality in Phlox and Its Cultivars,” Keith Nevison, Ecological Landscaping.org., https://www.ecolandscaping.org/01/designing-ecological-landscapes/native-plants/the-role-of-native-cultivars-in-the-ecological-landscape-evaluating-insect-preferences-and-nectar-quality-in-phlox-and-its-cultivars/
    “Nativars (Native Cultivars): What We Know and Recommend,” Habitat Network (A Partnership Between The Nature Conservancy and the Cornell Lab), https://content.yardmap.org/learn/nativars-native-cultivars/
    “Flower Power: Cultivars vs. Straight Species,” The Humane Gardener, https://www.humanegardener.com/flower-power-a-qa-with-annie-white/
    “What’s in a Nativar?” Landscape Architecture Magazine, Carol Becker, https://landscapearchitecturemagazine.org/2019/07/02/whats-in-a-nativar/
    “Sourcing Native Plants to Support Ecosystem Function in Different Planting Contexts,” Restoration Ecology, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/rec.12931
    “Native Plant Partnership,” UDaily, University of Delaware, http://www1.udel.edu/udaily/2015/jul/healthyecosystems070714.html

    -Article by Susan Martin / Piedmont Master Gardeners / July 2020-Vol.6 No.7 (link to original article HERE)
    Native Plant Sources in/near South Carolina by Region
    HERE for all of South Carolina
    Near us:

    Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve: Seasonal Plant Sales
    Category: Non-profit organization
    Address: 820 John B White Sr Blvd, Spartanburg, SC
    Phone: (864) 574-7724
    Mostly Native? Some
    Description: "Free public garden and nature preserve founded in Spartanburg in 1969 for the community to enjoy, study, and be inspired. Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve is open to the public every day of the year during daylight hours. Admission is Free." Offers seasonal plant sale events.

    Carolina Heritage Nursery
    Category: Backyard nursery + Farmers markets

    Address: 6607 Sadler Road, Waxhaw, NC
    Phone: 704-877-6934
    Mostly Native? Yes
    Description: "As more of our land is being developed in the Carolinas, native plant species, which support the rest of nature, are being replaced with plants from other lands, i.e. "exotic" plants. These exotics make up approximately 80% of our landscaping and do little to support native wildlife, often require chemicals and lots of water. Our goal is to provide native plants to folks who want to do something about that! Visit us at the Matthews Community Farmers' Market and the Waxhaw Farmers' Market on alternate weeks, April-June and September-November or on location BY APPOINTMENT ONLY."

    Griff's Greenhouse and Nursery
    Category: Backyard nursery
    Website: Facebook:
    Address: 234 Bill Sweatt Rd, Lancaster, SC
    Phone: 803-235-5120
    Mostly Native? Some
    Description: "We are a local family owned greenhouse and nursery who believe in having quality plants at reasonable prices. We have a great variety of annuals, perennials, succulents, vegetable plants, herbs, native plants, and hanging baskets. We are always on the look-out for hard to find and unusual plants. Scot, my youngest son started the business with his dog Griff, yes that is where the name came from....and Scot was called Griff a lot. Scot graduated from Clemson with a degree in Forestry and he is back with trees again... That is how mama is at the greenhouse. I helped on the weekends and from there it grew. I found out how hard he worked, and what all it takes 24/7 to make it happen. It has been a great journey."

    Joyful Butterfly
    Category: Mostly mail-order, plants and seeds (but local pick-up also available)
    Address: 1006 Hopewell Church Rd, Blackstock, SC
    Phone: 803-374-2591
    Email: contact@joyfulbutterfly.com
    Mostly Native? Yes
    Description: A family-owned nursery focusing on mail-order butterfly garden plants and seeds.
    Blog post about butterfly host plants: https://www.joyfulbutterfly.com/what-do-caterpillars-eat/
    Blog post about butterfly nectar plants:

    Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden: Seasonal Plant Sales
    Category: Non-profit organization
    Address: 6500 South New Hope Road, Belmont, NC
    Mostly Native? Some
    Description: Botanical garden that offers seasonal plant sale events

    UNC-Charlotte Botanical Gardens: Seasonal Plant Sales
    Category: Non-profit organization
    Address: 9090 Craver Rd, Charlotte, NC
    Mostly Native? Some
    Description: Botanical garden that offers seasonal plant sale events

    Wing Haven: Seasonal Plant Sales
    Category: Non-profit organization
    Address: 260 Ridgewood Ave, Charlotte, NC
    Phone: 704.331.0664
    Mostly Native?
    Some Description: Offers seasonal plant sale events
    Mill Creek Greenhouses
    Category: Garden Center
    : http://www.millcreekgreenhousescolumbia.co/home.html
    Address: 2324 Leesburg Rd, Columbia, SC
    Phone: 803-776-0441
    Mostly Native?
    Some Description: "Mill Creek Greenhouses is locally owned and operated by Lori Watson. Our focus is on providing excellent customer service in a down-home, friendly atmosphere. Products: Native and hard to find plants, annuals, perennials, succulents, shrubs, trees, shade plants, ferns, palms, aquatic plants, pots and planters, statuary and bird baths, soil amendments, pine straw, garden supplies."

    Wingard's Market Garden Center
    Category: Garden Center
    Address: 1403 North Lake Dr, Lexington, SC
    Phone: 803-359-9091
    Mostly Native? Some
    Description: "Our garden center is so much more than just a plant nursery - come check out the many surprises we have to offer! Pick out the perfect souvenir from one of the many local vendors at our gift shop, delight your taste buds with locally grown fruits and vegetables from our produce market, and buy all your backyard birding needs at our bird shop. Need advice on how to take care of your flowers, trees, and shrubs? Attend one of our many workshops and events lead by our experts, or check out one of our many online videos. We pride ourselves on our knowledge and experience in the industry, and our desire to get to know our customers and make them part of our family. We welcome you to visit and explore Wingard's Market today!"

    Sal's Ol' Timey Feed and Seed
    Category: Garden Center
    : https://www.salslocalseed.com/
    Address: 113 Hilltop Dr, Columbia, SC
    Phone: (803) 786-6546
    Mostly Native? Some
    Description: Sal's Ol' Timey Feed & Seed sells local seeds year-round & plants in spring and fall. “Sal enjoys sharing her knowledge of South Carolina gardening. Please look around our online store and consider taking a trip to our physical store. We weigh up seed just like they did in the old days.”

    Midlands Plant & Flower Sale
    Category: Annual Spring Plant Sale (South Carolina Department of Agriculture)
    Address: SC State Farmers Market, 3483 Charleston Hwy, West Columbia, SC
    Mostly Native? No
    Description: A spring plant sale at the State Farmers Market for a long weekend each April, with dozens of plant, landscaping, outdoor furniture and decorations, and food vendors. Carolina Wild and a few other vendors offering some native plants have taken part in the past. A vendor list is available online in advance for scouting purposes.
    Asclepias and More, LLC
    Category: Backyard nursery
    Address: 1055 Fieldstone Rd, Grovetown, GA
    Phone: 706-533-1149
    Mostly Native? Yes
    Description: "Asclepias and More is a backyard nursery open Friday-Saturday from 9-5, Tuesday-Thursday from 1-5, and certain holidays. The specialty is native plants for pollinators--over 150 varieties to attract butterflies, bees, moths, and birds."

    Trusty Farms
    Category: Nursery/Farm
    Address: 1020 Old Jackson Highway, Jackson, SC
    Phone: 803-220-4336
    Mostly Native? Lots of natives but not mostly native
    Description: A family-owned nursery and farm offering a diverse set of native species in 4”, 1-gallon, 3-gallon, and 5-gallon size pots. Check their web page (click on the “Natives” tab) for plant availability, beautiful photos, basic information, and prices.

    Nurseries Caroliniana
    Category: Garden Center
    Address: 143 Mims Grove Church Rd, North Augusta, SC
    Phone: 803-279-2707
    Mostly Native? Some
    Description: "In January of 1973 when Nurseries Caroliniana opened its doors, we would have had a hard time imagining just how much the business would grow and develop... We have been striving to keep finding new plants suitable for our area as well as encouraging the use of many wonderful natives. One of the reasons our customers like to come and stroll through the nursery is that they never know what they might find... Throughout the growing season we have an extensive selection of herbs, perennials, bedding plants, and vegetable plants. We carry a wide variety of bulk garden seeds as well as packaged specialty seeds... we also carry the usual fertilizers, chemicals and tools... If you are coming from out of town and want a specific plant, please call ahead and send us a list of your wants. Many of our unusual plants sell out almost as soon as they are ready."

    Category: Mail-order
    Address: 1128 Colleton Ave, Aiken, SC
    Phone: 803-648-7522
    Mostly Native? Some
    Description: "During the 1980's and 90's Woodlanders grew steadily into an internationally known source for more than 1000 kinds of rare and hard-to-find plants. As nursery propagated native plants became increasingly popular, and other native plant nurseries appeared, Woodlanders continued to offer a very wide choice of new selections... through our own searching and through our global contacts, we continue to introduce new plants and selections and offer them to our worldwide clientele."

    Taylor Nursery (SC Forestry Commission, in partnership with ArborGen)
    Category: Mail-order
    Address: 53 Girl Scout Camp Rd, Trenton, SC
    Phone: 803-275-3578
    Mostly Native? Yes
    Description: "In April 2018, the South Carolina Forestry Commission entered into a partnership with commercial forestry seedling provider ArborGen, which will provide management services to operate the agency’s Taylor Nursery in Trenton, S.C. The collaboration represents a unique public-private partnership in which ArborGen now uses Taylor Nursery as a production facility for its portfolio of seedling genetics while the Commission retains ownership of the property. The Forestry Commission still determines its own seedling production goals – up to 5 million annually – for South Carolina landowners, who are still eligible to purchase seedlings at the Forestry Commission's approved prices on orders up to 100,000 seedlings. To check seedling availability and place seedling orders, call Taylor Nursery directly at (803) 275-3578. Be sure to ask for the SC resident/landowner discount!
    Fall Is For Planting
    As fall is for planting don’t forget that Lowe’s recycles the pots your plants come in, please recycle them and don’t put them in the trash.
    Beautiful Plants of Kalmia Gardens
      Abelia (Abelia grandiflora)
    Aster (Aster pilosus)
    Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana)
    Beech (Fagus grandiflora)
    Begonia, Winged (Begoniaceae sp.)
    Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica)
    Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii)
    Camellia (Camellia japonica)
    Chrysanthemum (Asteraceae sp.)
    Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstremia indica)
    Dayflower (Commelina sp.)
    Dogwood (Cornus florida)
    Goldenrod (Solidago sp.)
    Hearts-a-bustin’ (Euonymus americana)
    Lantana (Lantana sp.)
    Maples (Acer sp.)
    Pomegranate (Punica granatum)
    Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)
    Sage, Mexican (Salvia sp.)
    Sage, Pineapple (Salvia rutilans)
    Sasanqua (Camellia sasanqua)
    Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)
    Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum)
    Sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum)
    Sunflower, swamp (Helianthus sp.)
    Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua)
    Tea (Camellia sinensis)
    Tea Olive (Osmanthus fragrans)
    Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)
    Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolium)
    Viburnum, Possumhaw (Viburnum nudum)
    Oyster Roast Fundraiser March 19, 2022
    Copyright © 2016 Kalmia Gardens of Coker College, All rights reserved.
     Laurel Branch

    Our mailing address is:
    Mary Ridgeway
    mridgeway@coker.edu, (843) 383-8145