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  • St. Luke UMC Communications 1/14/2021

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    January 15, 2021
    The Ladies Monday morning Bible Study will resume Monday, January 18th at 10 am via zoom.  Sara Odom will lead us in the study of Romans.  Prayer concerns will follow the lesson.  If anyone new is interested in beginning this study, please contact Sara Odom or Jeannie Wilkerson for details.

    The Dannie Newsome Luncheon Circle will NOTmeet during the month of January.  Members are asked to keep Karen Jeffords and/or Jeannie Wilkerson aware of any prayer concerns or needs.  Our prayer is for all members to stay safe.....and to look for announcements about upcoming meetings soon.
    The Worship Committee welcomes all who would like to place flowers in the Sanctuary in 2021.  The flower chart can be found in the narthex or you may call or email Vickie in the church office at 843-383-5169 or  stlukeumc@roadrunner.comto sign up.
    Thank you
    St Luke UMC
    stlukeumc@roadrunner.com, (843) 383-5169