Thomas Hart Academy
- Private Elementary & Secondary Schools
Thomas Hart Academy is committed to the academic and emotional well-being of its students by focusing on the individual child and fostering a love of learning within a safe, nurturing environment.
Established in 1970, Thomas Hart Academy (THA) is an independent, co-educational, non-discriminatory day school enrolling approximately 140 students from 2K to 8th grade. We offer students the opportunity to learn, create, experience, and gain confidence by meeting the challenges of a strong academic program and participating in numerous co-curricular activities. THA views students as individuals with diverse talents, interests, and personalities. As such, we understand the necessity of using a variety of educational approaches and strategies. -
Head of School- Thomas Hart AcademyCategory: EducationThomas Hart Academy (THA) is currently seeking a new Head of School and commenced a search on January 16, 2025. THA is located in Hartsville, SC and currently enrolls students in grades K2 - 8th. THA is committed to the academic and emotional well-being of its students by focusing on the individual child and fostering a love of learning within a safe, nurturing environment. Established ...read moreContact
Phone:(843) 332-4991 -